Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April, 27th of 2016 relative to the protection of Physical Persons respecting the treatment of personal data and free circulation of this data (GDPR), as well as the actual Spanish regulation respecting personal data protection, we inform you about the following:

Who is the responsible of treating your data?


What kind of data do we collect?

Visiting and navigating through our website does not register any type of personal data that allows your identification.

[It does register, however, some technical information, like the browser and the Operating System used by the user, or the IP address from which it accesses our website, with the only purpose of carrying out an analysis of the use of the website, in order to check the behaviour of users and thus improve the management of the site and a better navigation experience.]

In our website we uses cookies. You can know more about our Cookies Policy here.

In some sections of our website (like job offers and contact sections) Supersport can ask the user for some personal information for identify and contact.

This same information can be asked when you contact us through social media or the phone.

When recording interviews, personal data of interviewees or other participants (such as image, voice and identification data) may be collected for use in programmes produced by Super-Sport itself or on behalf of third parties.

For what purpose do we treat your personal data?

In Supersport we use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Users who are just visiting the website: we use the information registered via cookies to analyse the web and to know how users use it, with the purpose of making it better.
  • Users who contact us through the web, social media or phone:if the user is not client yet, but asks for information, we will give an answer to their solicitude and, if it is interested and gives their consent, we will use their data to inform them of the areas that might interest them or any kind of news that may be beneficial for them.
  • Clients:we use your personal data for lend and bill the contracted services and for any resulted communication.
  • If you have sent your CV: we will use your data for archiving and taking them in consideration for the possible processes of hiring personal that we might have active.
    • Interviewees for programmes produced by Super-Sport and other types of programme participants, such as contestants: We use the personal data of the interviewee or participant in order to be able to record and broadcast on television and other media, such as digital media, their interview or intervention within the framework of the programmes produced by Super-Sport.


We also inform you that in Supersport we do not automotise any decision on regard of your profile.


What is the legitimation for the treatment of your data?

The legal bases which legitimate Supersport to treat your data are the following:

  • The consent of the user, when it is expressly granted.
  • The execution of a pre-contractual or contractual relationship, when the data is treated in the access and navigation of the users of Supersport’s website or in the frame of contracting Supersport
  • The legitimate interest of Supersportto analyse the functionality and use of its website with the purpose of making it better.
  • The consent of the interviewee or participant in the programmes produced by Super-Sport, when expressly granted by the latter. Compliance with Super-Sport’s legal obligations.


How have we obtained your data?

We obtain your data when:

  • You provide it when you register as a client, personally in our installations or by email.
  • Contact us through the website or our social media profiles.
  • You send your CV for possible positions.
  • You have consented to the recording of Super-Sport’s interview in which you participate, or otherwise to your participation in a programme produced by Super-Sport, for broadcast on television and other media, such as digital platforms and social media.


To whom will we share your data with?

Your data will not be object of international transferences nor third-party cessions. Only if the provision of services contracted needs it, we would communicate your data to third-parties, in which case we would inform you clearly and intelligible.

In any case, you must be aware that if you contact our team through any of the social media profiles that Supersport has available for the users, you share your data with us but also with the responsibles for that social media. To know the use and treatment that these entities do of your data, we suggest you to read carefully these social medias Privacy Policies.


In the same way, if you are interested in contacting us to apply for an active position in our team, and the way of contacting us is through a job search portal, you need to be aware that you are sharing your data with Supersport, but also with the job search portal you are using. You can know the use, treatment and possible cession of information of these sites consulting their Privacy Policies.


In the case of interviewees or participants in television programmes produced by Super-Sport, their data may be transferred to third parties, including Mediaset España Comunicación S.A. and other companies of the Mediaset Group, as well as any other entities that have commissioned the production of the programme or acquired the rights to it, for the exploitation of Super-Sport programmes that include their interview or intervention in the programme.


You also must be aware that Supersport could be forced to share these data with public authorities if required.


How long will we keep your data?

Supersport will keep your data during the following periods:

  • If you are client:we will keep your data while the contractual relationship subsist, and later until the possible legal or contractual responsibilities prescribe.
  • If you have contacted us to be informed about our services: we will keep your data while you do not exercise your right to oppose or suppression and if the data is still relevant to inform you about our services.
  • If you have contacted us to participate in any process of staff pick:when you send your resumé, we will keep your personal data during the process of staff pick and, after that, for three more years, in order for us to keep you in mind for future job positions.
  • If you have been interviewed by Super-Sport for any of the programmes it produces, or have taken part in them in any other way: We will keep and process your data for the period for which the relevant rights have been assigned, which, in the absence of any other indication, will be the maximum periods permitted by law, in order to ensure the exploitation of the programmes throughout their term of protection.


Finally, Supersport inform you that we may be forced to keep certain information based on legal requirements.


What are your rights when you give us your information?

You could access, edit, delete and oppose to certain kinds of treatments, as well as executing your right to limit the treatment, to the portability and to not be object of an individual decision based only on automatised treatment of your data, based in the provisions of the GDPR.

In the same way, you could remove your consent for the treatment of your personal data in any moment. You could also oppose to receive advertisement about our products/services in any moment.

People interested in exercise these rights will be able to do it by emailing the following address privacidad@super.sport.es, or through post mail addressed to the Responsible of Data Protection, Supersport Televisión S.L, with address en Madrid, C/ María Tubau nº5 4º floor, 28050 Madrid, providing in both cases a copy of your ID in order to identify you.

You could also formulate claims before the Spanish Agency of Data Protection if you consider that your information is not managed accordingly.

If you need information about how we treat your personal data or about how to exercise your rights, do not doubt in contacting us through our email privacidad@super-sport.es.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may change the information contained in this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we do so, we will notify you in a variety of ways through the Website (for example, through a banner, pop-up or push notification), or we will notify you at your email address when the change in question is material to your privacy so that you can review the changes, assess them and, if appropriate, object or unsubscribe to any service or functionality. In any case, we suggest that you review this Privacy Policy from time to time in case there are minor changes or we introduce any interactive improvements, as you will always find it as a permanent point of information on our Web site.